- I international (journal, conference), otherwise: national, limited venue
- R peer reviewed
- i invited
- C regular conference presentation
- L lecture, course, debate, panel participation at conference
- P poster presentation
- j published in a journal
- p full paper published in proceedings
- a abstract only published in proceedings
- b book or book chapter
- t thesis
- w publication exclusively on-line
Year | Labels | Title | File |
2024 | iCw | P. Wakale et al., "Survey of sub-electron noise CMOS image sensors", PIXEL 2024, November 2024 | slides |
2024 | iCw | S. Boulanger et al., "Design and measurement of a large CMOS pixel with nanosecond collection time", PIXEL 2024, November 2024 | slides |
2024 | iCw | Cai, G. et al. "FLAMES—High Speed Flash-LiDAR CMOS Imager for Landing Missions", Space-based Lidar Remote Sensing Techniques and Emerging Technologies, 28 April 2024. | paper slides |
2023 | iCw | A. Kalgi & al., "Charge domain binning using potential differences between photodiodes", Epicture Conference, Delft, May 2023 | paper slides |
2023 | iCw | G. Cai & al., "FLAMES – High-Speed Flash-LiDAR CMOS Imager for Landing Missions", Space-based Lidar Workshop, Milos Greece, 22 June 2023 | paper slides |
2022 | iCw | B. Bammes et al., "High-speed large-format sparse-readout direct detection MAPS device for cryo-EM", PIXEL 2022, 2022 | slides |
2022 | iCw | Arne Crouwels & al., "A visible light and NIR hybrid CMOS image sensor", ESA image sensor workshop, Noordwijk, 22-23 dec 2022 | slides |
2022 | iCw | A. Kalgi & al., "High dynamic range CIS with true global shutter and charge domain binning", ESA image sensor workshop, Noordwijk, 22-23 dec 2022 | slides |
2022 | iCw | B.Dierickx, "101 ways to readout a photodiode", IEEE SIM, Eindhoven, 17 May 2022 | slides |
2021 | Ij | K. Sahasrabuddhe & al., "The Argo: a high channel count recording system for neural recording in vivo", Journal of Neural Engineering, 2021 | paper |
2021 | iCw | Peng Gao & al., "Radiation test results of the aLFA C: astronomy Large Format Array Controller", 16 Nov 2021 | slides |
2021 | IRCw | Peng Gao, Benjamin Bammes, Sampsa Veijalainen, Jente Basteleus, Gaozhan Cai, Bert Luyssaert, Bart Dierickx, Robert Bilhorn. "A 4k by 4k 8000fps large format event-based sparse readout direct electron image sensor." IISW, September 2021 | paper slides |
2021 | IRCw | G. Cai & al. "A 1.3M Pixel 37,700fps global-shutter BSI imager with HDR and Motion Blur Suppression Capability" IISW, September 2021 | paper slides |
2021 | ICw | B. Dierickx & al. "Design of a true HDR, backside illuminated image sensor with charge domain binning", ICSO 2020, 30 March 2021. | paper slides video |
2021 | ICw | P.Gao & al. "Astronomy Large Format Array Controller (aLFA-C): design and characterization of an advanced FPA controller", 2021 SPIE remote sensing | slides |
2020 | IRj | Kunal Sahasrabuddhe & al. “The Argo: A high channel count recording system for neural recording in vivo”, 2020 J. Neural Eng. in press https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-2552/abd0ce | paper |
2019 | IiP | B.Dierickx, K.Tabata, P.Stampoglis, P.Gao, "Simultaneous photon/particle counting and charge integration", Quantum beam imaging conference, Himeji, 24-25 sept 2019 | poster |
2019 | IRCP | P. Gao, S.Veijalainen, J.Basteleus, G.Cai, B.Luyssaert, B.Dierickx, "16.7Mpixel 8000fps sparse binarized scientific image sensor ", IISW | paper slides |
2019 | IRPp | A.K.Kalgi, A.Crouwels, B.Dierickx, W.Verbruggen, D.Van Aken, "Fast Charge Transfer in 100µm long PPD Pixels", IISW | paper poster |
2019 | ICw | Peng Gao, Andrew Keefe, Bart Dierickx, Qiang Yao, Wei Wang, Tim Morlion, Bert Van Thielen, Ramses Valvekens, "Optimized ASIC Development for Space Large Format NIR/SWIR Detector Array", Space & Scientific CMOS Image Sensors Workshop, Toulouse, 26-27 Nov 2019. | presentation |
2019 | ICw | F. Zanella, G. Basset, C. Schneider, A. Luu-Dinh, I. Marozau, S. Fricke, A. Madrigal, D. Van Aken, M. Zahir, "RESULTS OF MICROLENS TESTING ON BACK-ILLUMINATED IMAGE SENSORS FOR SPACE", Space & Scientific CMOS Image Sensors Workshop, Toulouse, 26-27 Nov 2019. | slides |
2019 | ICw | B. Dierickx, A. Kalgi, D. Van Aken, A. Klekachev, J. Basteleus, P. Stampoglis, G. Di Nicolantinio, F. Palumbi, A. Pelamatti, "A rad-hard, global shutter, true HDR, backside illuminated image sensor", Space & Scientific CMOS Image Sensors Workshop, Toulouse, 26-27 Nov 2019. | slides |
2019 | ICw | Deepraj Gautam, Qiang Yao, Dirk van Aken, Bart Dierickx, Bert Luyssaert, Wei Wang, Dirk Uwaerts1, Koen Liekens, Gaozhan Cai, Kyriaki Minoglou, Arnaud Bourdoux, Dominique Baudoux, Vincent Moreau, Eric Callut, Julien Nuttin, "Hyperspectral CMOS BSI Image sensor", Space & Scientific CMOS Image Sensors Workshop, Toulouse, 26-27 Nov 2019. | slides |
2018 | ICa | B.Dierickx, P.Gao, A.Babaiefishani, S.Veijalainen, W.Wang, A.Klekachev, B.Luyssaert, A.Khan, R.Edgington, K.Sahasrabuddhe, M.Angle, "Pixel array for 3-D integration with an intra-cortical electrode array", Pixel2018, Taipei Dec 2018 | pres |
2018 | ICa | D.Van Aken, B.Dierickx, B.Luyssaert, “QE of front side and back side thinned CMOS Image Sensors between 100 and 400nm”, Workshop on “UV detectors and instruments”, Toulouse 28-29 November 2018 | pres |
2018 | ICa | H.Höhnemann & al. “Improved low dark current MWIR/LWIR MCT detectors”, CNES conference, Toulouse, July 4, 2018 | pres |
2017 | IC | M.D'Urbino, "An element-matched band-pass delta-sigma ADC for ultrasound imaging", A-SSCC Seoul 2017 | paper |
2017 | IiC | G.Cai & al. "Photon to photon CMOS imager: opto-electronic 3D integration", IS Americas, San Francisco, Oct 12-13 2017 | slides |
2017 | ICp | A.Kalgi & al. "Multiple shutter mode radiation hard IR detector ROIC", AITA, Quebec, 2017 | paper |
2017 | IC | A.Kalgi & al. "European low flux CMOS image sensor", CNES workshop, Toulouse, November 2017 | slides |
2017 | IRCP | Gaozhan Cai, Wei Wang, Bert Luyssaert, Bart Dierickx, Gerlinde Ruttens, Bert Uwaerts, Dirk Uwaerts Jente Basteleus, Jens De Vroe, Walter Verbruggen, Peng Gao, Donal Denvir , Philip Steen, "A method to increase DR using column-level automatic gain selection", IISW, May 31, 2017, Hiroshima | paper |
2017 | IRPp | Bart Dierickx, Jean Bourgain, Bert Luyssaert, "How to hand-calculate MTF in front-side and backside illuminated image sensors", IISW, May 30, 2017, Hiroshima | paper |
2016 | IRCa | P.Gao, B.Dierickx, P.Stampoglis, Q.Yao, N.Witvrouwen, A.Abdelmoneem, "Indirect X-ray Pixel with High Dynamic Range by using combined counting & integration", CNES workshop, Toulouse 17 Nov. 2016 | slides |
2016 | IRCa | B.Dierickx, P.Gao, Q.Yao, B.Luyssaert, K.Liekens, A.Kumar Kalgi, S.Veijalainen, W.Wang , "Rad-hard image sensors area/power/hardening trade-offs", CNES workshop Toulouse 16 Nov 2016 | slides |
2016 | IRijw | B.Dierickx, Q.Yao, N.Witvrouwen, D.Uwaerts, S.Vandewiele, P.Gao. "X-Ray Photon Counting and Two-Color X-Ray Imaging Using Indirect Detection" Sensors 16, no. 6 (May 26, 2016): 764. doi:10.3390/s16060764. | paper |
2016 | IiC | Bart Dierickx, Jan Vermeiren, Dirk Van Aken, Dirk Uwaerts, Peng Gao, Ajit Kumar Kalgi, "Image sensors in Space applications", presentation at the Fraunhofer IMS workshop, 10 May 2016, Duisburg | slides |
2016 | IRiC | A. Kalgi, B. Luyssaert, B. Dierickx, P.Coppejans, P.Gao, B.Spinnewyn, A. Defernez, J. Zhu, J.Basteleus, Q. Yao, W. Verbruggen, D. Uwaerts, B. Uwaerts, G. Ruttens, G. Cai, "High Dynamic Range, PSN Limited, Synchronous Shutter Image sensor", Presented at the Caeleste Visionary Workshop The Future of High-end Image Sensors, 6 April 2016, Brussels | slides |
2016 | IRC | A. Kalgi, B. Luyssaert, B. Dierickx, P.Coppejans, P.Gao, B.Spinnewyn, A. Defernez, J. Zhu, J.Basteleus, Q. Yao, W. Verbruggen, D. Uwaerts, B. Uwaerts, G. Ruttens, G. Cai, "Synchronous shutter, PSN limited, HDR image sensor", London Image Sensor Conference, 16 March 2016, London | slides |
2015 | IRCP | Qiang Yao, Bart Dierickx, Benoit Dupont, Gerlinde Ruttens, "CMOS image sensor reaching 0.34 e-RMS read noise by inversion-accumulation cycling", IISW, 8-11 June 2015, Vaals | paper |
2015 | IRPP | A.K.Kalgi, B.Dierickx, B.Dupont, P.Coppejans, P.Gao, B.Spinnewyn, B.Luyssaert, A. Defernez, J. Zhu, J.Basteleus, Q. Yao, W. Verbruggen, D. Uwaerts, B. Uwaerts, G. Ruttens, G. Cai, "Four Concepts for Synchronous, PSN limited, true CDS, HDR imaging", IISW, 8-11 June 2015, Vaals | paper |
2015 | IRPP | Gaozhan Cai, Bart Dierickx, Bert Luyssaert, Nick Witvrouwen, Gerlinde Ruttens, "Imaging sparse events at high speed", IISW, 8-11 June 2015, Vaals | paper |
2015 | IiC | B.Dierickx, "Imperfections of high-performance image sensors", Lorentz Workshop, 9-13 Feb 2015, Leiden | presentation |
2014 | IiC | B.Dierickx, "Radiation hard design in CMOS image sensors", CPIX Workshop 15-17 sept 2014, Bonn | presentation |
2014 | IC | P Gao, B Dupont, B Dierickx, E Müller, G Verbruggen, S Gielis, R Valvekens, "Cryogenic and Radiation Hard ASIC Design for Large Format NIR/SWIR Detector Array", SPIE astronomical, 2014 | paper presentation |
2014 | IC | M.Downing & al. "LGSD/NGSD: High Speed Optical CMOS Imagers for E-ELT Adaptive Optics", SPIE astronomical, Amsterdam 2014 | paper |
2014 | IC | P Gao, B Dupont, B Dierickx, E Müller, G Verbruggen, S Gielis, R Valvekens, "Cryogenic and Radiation Hard ASIC Design for Large Format NIR/SWIR Detector Array", ISCO conference, 2014 | presentation |
2014 | IC | L. Aballea, W. Moelans, L. De Vos, B. Luyssaert, B.Dierickx, D. Nevejans, E. Neefs, J VanHamel, D. Pieroux, E. Dekemper, F. Vanhellemont, D. Fussen, "The Altius Payload", submitted 2014 | paper |
2013 | i | B.Dierickx, "Human eye 2.0", presentation at IEEE student branch, Gent, 8 Oct 2013 | presentation |
2013 | IC | Mark Downing, Johann Kolb, Philippe Balarde, Bart Dierickx, Arnaud Defernez, Benoit Dupont, Philippe Feautrier, Gert Finger, Martin Fryer, Jean-Luc Gach, Christian Guillaume, Norbert Hubin, Paul Jerram, Paul Jorden, Andrew Pike, Jerome Pratlong, Javier Reyes, Eric Stadler, Andrew Walker, "High QE, 3e- RoN, fast 700fps, 1760x1680 pixels CMOS Imager", SDW Florence 2013 | |
2013 | ICa | Ajit Kumar Kalgi, Benoit Dupont, Bart Dierickx, Nick Witvrouwen, "Photon imaging with monolithic CMOS SPADs", CMOS Image Sensors for High Performance Applications Toulouse, 26 Nov 2013 | presentation |
2013 | ICa | B.Dupont, P.Gao, B.Dierickx, G.Verbruggen, S.Gielis, R.Valvekens, "Driving, conditioning and signal acquisition Prototype ASIC for Large Format NIR/SWIR Detector Array", Toulouse, 26 Nov 2013 | presentation |
2013 | IRPp | B.Dupont, B.Dierickx, "Reduction of motion blur in CMOS linear arrays and TDI imagers", IISW, Utah, June 2013 | |
2013 | IRCp | Bart Dierickx, Stijn Vandewiele, Benoit Dupont, Arnaud Defernez, Nick Witvrouwen, Dirk Uwaerts, "Scintillator based color X-ray photon counting imager", IISW, Utah, June 2013 | paper |
2013 | ICa | B.Dierickx, S. Vandewiele, B. Dupont, A. Defernez, N. Witvrouwen, D.Uwaerts, "Scintillator based color X-ray photon counting imager", Workshop on medical applications of spectroscopic X-ray detectors, CERN 22-25 April 2013 | |
2012 | ICa | P. Gao, B. Dupont, B.Dierickx, G. Verbruggen, S. Gielis, P.Thorne, "Prototype ASIC Development for Space Large Format NIR/SWIR Detector Array", CNES Workshop, Toulouse, 28-29 Nov 2012 | |
2012 | IiCj | M. Downing, J. Kolb, P. Balard, B. Dierickx, A. Defernez, B. Dupont, P. Feautrierd, G. Finger, M. Fryer, J-L Gach, C. Guillaume, N. Hubin, O. Iwert, P. Jerram, P. Jorden, A. Pike, J. Pratlong, J. Reyes, E. Stadler, A. Walker, "Backside-Illuminated, high QE, 3e- RoN, fast 700fps, 1760x1680 pixels CMOS Imager for AO with highly parallel readout", SPIE Amsterdam, June 2012 | |
2012 | IiCa | B. Dupont, B. Dierickx, A. Defernez, N. Ahmed, "Color X-ray photon counting image sensor", Image Sensor 2012 conference, London, 22 March 2012 | |
2011 | IC | B. Dierickx,N. Ahmed, B. Dupont, "A 0.5 noise electronsRMS CMOS pixel", Workshop on CMOS detectors for high performance applications, Toulouse, 6-7 December 2011 | slides |
2011 | IC | M. Downing, D. Baade, N.Hubin, O. Iwert, J. Reyes, M. Fryer, P. Jorden, A. Walker, A. Pike, P. Jerram, J. Pratlong, B. Dierickx, B. Dupont, A. Defernez, P. Feautrier, J-L Gach, P. Balard, "High QE, Thinned Backside-Illuminated, 3e- RoN, Fast 700fps, 1760x1760 Pixels Wave-Front Sensor Imager with Highly Parallel Readout", Workshop on CMOS detectors for high performance applications, Toulouse, 6-7 December 2011 | slides |
2011 | IRCa | C. Bourgain, B. Dierickx, I. Willekens, N. Buls, C. Breucq, A. Schiettecatte, J. de Mey, "A new technique for enhanced radiological-pathological correlation in breast cancer: multi-energy color X-ray", RSNA, Chicago, 30 Nov 2011 | slides |
2011 | iw | R.Valvekens, B.Dierickx, N.Roos, "De finish van Moores marathon", Bits&chips, sept 2011 | full text |
2011 | IRCp | B.Dierickx, B.Dupont, A.Defernez, N.Ahmed, "Color X-ray photon counting image sensing", IISW, Hakodate Japan, June 2011 | paper |
2011 | IRCp | B Dierickx, B Dupont, A Defernez, M Fryer, P Jorden, A Walker, A Pike, P Jerram, J Pratlong, "Backside thinned, 2.5 e-RMS, BSI, 700fps, 1760x1760 pixels wave-front imager with 88 parallel LVDS output channels", IISW, Hakodate Japan, June 2011 | paper |
2011 | IRC | I.Willekens, B.Dierickx, N.Buls, C.Breucq, A.Schiettecatte, J.de Mey, C.Bourgain, "Superiority of multi-energy color X-ray for breast specimen radiography", European Society for Radiography, Vienna, 5 March 2011 | |
2011 | IRCp | B.Dierickx, B.Dupont, A.Defernez, N.Ahmed, "Indirect X-ray photon counting image sensor with 27T pixels and 15 electronsRMS accurate threshold", ISSCC 22 Feb 2011, San Francisco | |
2010 | IRCp | P.A.Jerram, M.Fryer, J.Pratlong, A.Pike, A.Walker, B.Dierickx, B.Dupont, A.Defernez, ?Hyperspectral CMOS Imager?, ICSO 2010 International Conference on Space Optics, Rhodes, Greece 4 - 8 Oct 2010 | |
2010 | ICp | B. Dierickx, S. Bellis, N. Witvrouwen, B. Dupont, A. Defernez, C. Jackson, "Hybrid avalanche photodiode ranging and photon-counting altimeter", SPIE remote sensing, Toulouse 20-23 Sept 2010 | |
2010 | IiCa | B. Dierickx, B. Dupont, A. Defernez, P. Henckes, "Towards photon counting X-ray image sensors", OSA symposium, Tucson, 7-10 June 2010 | |
2010 | Cp | B. Dierickx, N. Buls, C. Bourgain, C. Breucq, J. Demey, B. Dupont, A. Defernez, "Multi-energy X-ray imaging for mammography", BHPA symposium, Brussels, 5-6 feb 2010 | |
2009 | IC | J. Pratlong, A. Defernez, B. Dierickx, B. Dupont, P. Jerram, P. Jorden, A. Walker, A. Pike, M. Fryer, "Low Noise, high speed, high QE CMOS image sensor", CNES Workshop, 8-9 dec 2009, Toulouse | |
2009 | IC | B. Dierickx, S. Bellis, N. Witvrouwen, C. Jackson, B. Dupont, "Hybrid photon counting and ranging APD array", CNES Workshop, 8-9 dec 2009, Toulouse | |
2009 | IRCp | B. Dierickx, B. Dupont, P. Jerram, M. Fryer, J. Pratlong, A. Walker, A. Defernez, "CMOS Synchronous shutter backside illuminated image sensor for hyperspectral imaging", IEEE International Image Sensor Workshop, 26-28 June 2009, Bergen, Norway | |
2009 | IRPp | B. Dierickx, B. Dupont, A. Defernez, "X-ray image sharpening by coincidence detection", poster at the IEEE International Image Sensor Workshop, 26-28 June 2009, Bergen, Norway | |
2009 | IRPp | A. Dupret, B. Dupont, M.Vasiliu, B. Dierickx, A. Defernez, "CMOS image sensor architecture for high-speed sparse image content readout", poster at the IEEE International Image Sensor Workshop, 26-28 June 2009, Bergen, Norway | |
2009 | IC | B. Dierickx, N. Buls, C. Bourgain, C. Breucq, J. Demey, B. Dupont, A. Defernez, "On the diagnostic value of multi-energy X-ray imaging for Mammography", EOS, 16-18 June 2009, Munchen | |
2008 | IiCa | B. Dierickx, N. Witvrouwen, B. Dupont, "DC and AC high dynamic range pixels", Intertech Pira Image Sensor Conference, London 19-20 March 2008 | slides |
2008 | Ii | B.Dierickx, "round table on nano CMOS and 3D electronics for scientific instrumentation and imaging oportunities and practical aspects, ", IEEE Dresden 2008 | introduction slides |
2008 | IRiLp | B. Dierickx, "Wide Dynamic range, the pixel standpoint", ISSCC Image sensor forum, San Francisco, 3 Feb 2008 | slides |
2007 | IRCp | B. Dierickx, "Variability limits the advantage of a photo diode's zero bias operation", IEEE International Workshop on Image Sensors, June 6-9 2007 | paper |