Also this year you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your electronics know-how in the famous Electroniad quiz. This 3rd edition will be organized by Ansem in the Brabanthal in Leuven on October 5th . The subscriptions are open and it
Caeleste at the Sound of Science on May 27th
On Sunday May 27th Caeleste participated in the first edition of “Sound of Science”, a STEM promotion event. We brought two demos to the event and both attracted a lot of attention from the public. Our Wireless Personal Radiation Detection
Bart Dierickx is member of the program committee of “Pixel 2018”
Caeleste CTO, Bart Dierickx, is elected as member of the International Advisory Committee of the renowned “Pixel 2018 – International Workshop on semiconductor Pixel detectors for particles and imaging” Workshop. This Bi-annual event will be organized for the 9th time
Caeleste is member of the Penta consortium “Sensation”
Caeleste is proud to announce that it is part of a consortium, led by Adimec, located in The Netherlands and supported by the new PENTA cluster. The funding for Caeleste is coming from the Flemish innovation agency VLAIO. On January
Backside Illuminated (BSI) version of ELOIS sensor functionally tested
Together with Spacebel and Amos, Caeleste is working on a radiation hardened hyperspectral sensor for a remote sensing application, commissioned by ESA. The device has 256 pixels in the spectral and 2048 in the spatial direction with a pitch of 15.5
Caeleste is exhibiting at Image Sensors in London
Caeleste is present at the Image Sensors Conference in London. The Caeleste booth will be manned by Ian Alderton of Alrad (photo) and Dirk Van Aken, Sr. Project Manager at Caeleste. In the margin of this conference, they can show you a
Caeleste teams up with Luster LightTech for the Vision Shanghai show
Caeleste will be present at the booth of Luster LightTech during the Vision show in Shanghai from March 14th till 16th. Gina Yang and An Yi will assist the visitors in making the right choices in the field of custom CMOS image sensors. Jan
Caeleste team wins second edition of Electroniad
After having organized the first Electroniad ever in 2016, the Caeleste members could proof their electronics skills on the second edition of the Electroniad, organized by Easics on 14 September 2017 in Leuven. The Team Caeleste_Plan_C consisting of Periklis Stampoglis,
Two new representatives to shorten the communication lines
Caeleste appointed 2 new representatives to support its presence in the image sensor market and to have shorter communication lines with our customers. We welcome Kerry Van Iseghem to strengthen the US team and Ian Alderton of Alrad to deal with
Caeleste ameliorates its image sensor ultra-low noise performance
Since 2012 Caeleste works on image sensors with extremely low noise performance using the ‘accumulation-inversion cycling’. Previous generations of the circuit resulted already in published noise floors of 0.5 and 0.32 e–rms. In the most recent generation, a pixel read noise