Caeleste is proud to announce that it is part of a consortium, led by Adimec, located in The Netherlands and supported by the new PENTA cluster. The funding for Caeleste is coming from the Flemish innovation agency VLAIO.

On January 1, 2018 the Penta-funded EU-project Sensation started and will run for 3 years.

This project is carried by a six-company consortium consisting of:

  • Caeleste, Mechelen, Belgium
  • Adimec, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Grass Valley, Breda, The Netherlands
  • ON Semiconductor, Oudenaarde, Belgium
  • intoPIX, Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium
  • TUDelft, Delft, The Netherlands

The overall goal of the SENSATION project is to develop technologies and improved building blocks for the next generations of CMOS image sensors, image sensor interface standards, video processing and transmission. Results will be demonstrated in prototype silicon and application demonstrators. Transmission solutions will be standardized. In all vision based professional applications the trend in image capture is towards higher spatial and temporal resolutions, wider color gamut, higher dynamic range and improved image quality. New and improved building blocks will be developed to drive and fill in these trends in Production Technologies, and Connectivity and Digital Networks.

Within this project Caeleste will focus on:

  • Developing global shutter pixels with extended dynamic range
  • High-speed serial interface for image sensors and increased data rates
  • Improved ADCs for high-speed sensors.
Caeleste is member of the Penta consortium “Sensation”