Caeleste appointed 2 new representatives to support its presence in the image sensor market and to have shorter communication lines with our customers. We welcome Kerry Van Iseghem to strengthen the US team and Ian Alderton of Alrad to deal with UK and Irish customers.

Kerry Van Iseghem is a well-known person in the American image sensing community. Kerry graduated from the University of Rochester (the US capital of imaging) and was professionally active there. Kerry spent his whole professional life in the semiconductor industry; since 1998 his main interests were in image sensing solutions. Most people will know him as the founder and CEO of the Imaging Solutions Group, where he was building advanced camera systems. Since October 2017 he is valorizing his experience with image sensors and imaging applications exclusively for the Caeleste customer bases.

Caeleste is also proud to announce that Alrad of Newbury, Berkshire, will represent Caeleste in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Alrad is already in business since 1970, offering customers state-of-the-art imaging solution even long before the era of integrated detector arrays. Due to their experience in the field, they have continuously explored new horizons and they stay at the forefront of electro-optics developments.

Ian Alderton, CTO and sales manager, will mainly support Caeleste customers. Besides his activities within Alrad, Ian is also member of the board of PPMA, the British Vision Association.

Two new representatives to shorten the communication lines