Bart Dierickx

In 1984 Bart Dierickx obtained his MS Electronic Engineering at the KU Leuven and in 1990 his PhD at the same university on the topic of deep cryogenic operation and 1/f noise in CMOS circuits.

He started as a CCD designer at the ESAT department of KU Leuven in 1983. This group merged into IMEC in 1984, where Dierickx pioneered using CMOS as an alternative to CCD from 1984 onwards. In 2000 he Co-founded FillFactory, and after acquisition became CTO of Cypress Imaging in 2005. He left to create Caeleste in 2006. Since then he serves as the CTO of Caeleste.

Over the years he has developed and supervised the design process of hundreds of image sensors, published plenty of papers and is inventor of about 50 patents in the domain of image sensing.