The aLFA-C device

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The aLFA-C-ASIC product is a is a programmable interfacing ASIC for space borne infrared ROICs (read out ICs)
and other image sensors. It replaces much of the infrastructure found on classic front-end electronics (FEEs). It has the following features:

  1. Operate on minimally one single unregulated supply by the use of on-chip LDOs and Regulators,
  2. Can run on an external clock or on a crystal oscillator interface,
  3. The interface towards the outside world is SpaceWire,
  4. It has a fully programmable Sequencer towards the ROIC, with 8 levels of nesting and on the fly
  5. It has 32 programmable level single ended digital outputs, which can be per two combined to 16 differential
    outputs in CMOS, LVDS or CML format,
  6. It has 16 programmable threshold single ended digital inputs, which can be per two be converted to a LVDS
    or CML input,
  7. It has an SPI interface towards the ROIC or image sensor,
  8. Analog acquisition happens over 32 (signals) +4 (references) analog channels with differential/single ended
    analog inputs and 16 bit ADCs,
  9. The SARADCs have 1.5 LSB INL, 1 LSB DNL, unsupervised-calibration and post-correction,
  10. The 32 100 kHz ADC channels can be parallelized or interleaved to proportionally faster ADCs, from 16
    200kHz channels up to a single 3.2 MHz channel,
  11. Al channels have programmable gain & offset, and programmable current biasing,
  12. Six on-board programmable LDOs (0-3.3V), of which 4 are available for external use,
  13. Six on-board programmable regulators (0-1.8V), of which 4 are available for external use,
  14. Resistance/voltage/current measurement capability on 6 pairs of measurement pins,
  15. 32 10bit programmable voltage sources,
  16. 8 7bit logarithmic programmable current sources with programmable polarity,
  17. TID, SEU, SEL tolerant,
  18. Operating temperature: 35K to 330K.