The Caeleste presentation about: ‘Multiple shutter mode radiation hard IR detector ROIC’ was selected for Oral presentation during the prestigious workshop Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications (AITA 2017), held at the Laval University in Quebec. With this contribution Ajit won the best contribution prize for authors under the age of 35.

Quebec City is considered the capital of electro-optics in Canada. With the Laval University,
the independent R&D center INO (Institut National d’Optique) and several industrial (space) companies in the neighborhood, this area has top class researchers in the field of infrared imaging and its applications.

The paper describes Caeleste’s achievements to realize a highly programmable low noise ROIC (readout IC) for hybrid low-flux, long wavelength infrared detectors for astronomical applications in space. The circuit is realized, using Caeleste’s radhard library and fulfills all requirements set forth by the European Space Agency. In a later contribution we will report on the electro-optical performance evaluation by the University of Cardiff (UK) of the hybrid assembly with AIM’s (Germany) long wavelength HgCdTe detectors.

The paper is available on our website.

Ajit Kumar Kalgi (left) won the best contribution prize for authors under the age of 35.

Ajit Kumar Kalgi best under 35 presenter at AITA 2017